Sep 25, 2009

Lebaran 1430 H/2009

I'd like to tell you what happened in Ramadhan + Lebaran 1430 H/2009, so here it goes :

- Pray ; Alhamdulillah I've done fasting for 30 days and read Al-quran until finished

- Clothes ; Thank you mom&dad, they usually buy me clothes in Lebaran about 2-3 pieces and it's enough

- Delicious food ever ; My mom made it for us

- New Bangs

- Fireworks ; Playing fireworks with my brother was fun

- Accessories for my hommie ; Special for Lebaran

- Ied's Day

- Visited Relatives ; Yes, that was fun!

- THR ; Alhamdulillah, i got it LOL

How about you? :)

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