May 26, 2010

So, here it goes...........

Dear Bloggers........ :)

Feels so nice to be here again. In this ordinary day, sitting in front of my computer while listening to the music. Thank God, today is free day. I'm having about 3 months for holiday, happy!

Anyway, I'm no longer listed as Senior High School student not yet a collagers.

It's been long since the last time I write here. I'm confused, I don't know what to write yet I want to. So many stories happens in my life. i'm sorry for the lack of updates.

Well, back to March. It's almost national exam's and of course SIMAK UI. So I just waste my time with studying , I even study from 6 pm until 3 am. Yes, I'm proud to be nerd \m/
Sakit panas H-2 UAN. Ya ampun itu menyusahkan sekali. And of course, circle under my eyes.

Oh ya di sekolah juga suka kerjain soal atau ga baca rangkuman di waktu belajar yg bukan pelajaran gue pas itu. Maafkan saya bapak dan ibu guru \m/
Terus juga bolos buat belajar sendiri di rumah ehe ehe.
les NF tiap senin & rabu sampe malem jam 8an gitu pulang sekolah langsung mampir disana dan bta di pagi hari 5 jam. sisanya adalah private dirumah. These stuffs about being 12th grader make my head's spinning round.

And finally.......... I get what I've been fighting for

for me, mom, dad, grandma, brother, and you............ :)

Thank you mom & dad for your support! i love you more than anything in the whole universe
Thank you buat temen temen gue yang udah ngajarin kl ada yang ga ngerti especially my chairmate, Icha! wah gue berhutang budi sama dia. Dia yang selalu support gue, nasihatin gue sama ngajarin gue. Walaupun satu universitas, kita dipisahkan sm fakultas :(

Thank you juga Chelpira yg suka gue smsin berpart2 buat nanyain Geografi hampir tiap hari ehe ehe. Pokoknya inbox gue isinya dari dia semua.
Thank you saudara2 gue yang semangatin gue terus
Thank you bimbel BTA 8 Jakarta & NF Akses UI, juga guru private gue
Thank you temen2 yang kl pulang bareng gue, yang suka buat ketawa kalau lg stress abis pulsek
Thank you IPS 8 2010!

Thank you SMA Negeri 8 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you buat semua yang udah gue repotin yang gabisa disebutin satu persatu hehehe. I love you all :)

The best feeling in the world is finally knowing that you took a step in the right direction, a step towards the future where everything that you never thought was possible is possible.......... :')

God I want to thank you for all the things that you have done with my life,
Please, help me to be better, help me with all the things that I have difficulties doing........ :')

By the way, June 4 will be my eighteen birthday. Whoa! I'm old!

I have to leave.

Nadya Y


Serra Annisa said...

aaaa lucu2 banget, jadi pengen nge post kyk ginii hehehe

Nadya said...

terimakasih Serra :) buat ajaaaa hehehe